
Spring Meditation Retreat in Netherlands: Shamatha & Development meditation – 23 February to 2 March 2018

Phuntsok Chö Ling, Tibetan Buddhist Centre in the Netherlands, organises its yearly spring retreat. During this retreat the participants will take a closer look at Shamathā and Kyerim meditation. Lama Jigmé Namgyal will give information about the meaning and background of these meditation techniques and he will guide us in its practice.

Shamatha, which means ‘calm abiding’ is a form of meditation that teaches you to focus your attention on one object, for example, breathing. You bring your body and mind to rest in the present moment. This technique gives you more control over emotions and thoughts and allows you to remain calm in any situation.

Shamatha also is the foundation for ‘Kyerim’ or ‘Generation Meditation’. With this technique, we wash ourselves free from mistaken attitudes and concepts, developed because of our fixation on a personal self. By this externalized and separated self of phenomena or things we suffer. The only way to purify this long standing habit of these wrong projections is by gradually replacing it with an opposing habit. So what we are doing in generation practice is cultivating, reinforcing and gradually strengthening the habit of seeing ourselves and our world as pure and more positive.

Lama Jigmé Namgyal will teach in English and/or Tibetan. Translation will be provided for both Dutch and English speakers.

The retreat will take place from Friday 23 February to Friday 2 March 2018 at the following address: Broedershoek, Koksweg 1, 4371 RC Koudekerke.

For more details about the retreat and the registration procedure please visit the event page on Phuntsok Chö Ling’s website or contact Phuntsok Chö Ling directly by sending an email to

Registration before Friday 9 February 2018.