
Group Meditation – Sunday 4 June, 16:00

Would like to remind you that our next group meditation session is scheduled for 4 June (Sunday) at 4pm. Lama will not be present, but we encourage you to attend and experience the benefits of group meditation. You can find all scheduled meditation sessions on our calendar of activities.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Centre Culture News

Tibetan dance class Saturday 1 July, 4.30 pm

We are pleased to announce that the Tibetan Cultural Centre will be organizing a Tibetan dance class. Tibetan dance is an integral part of the richness of Tibetan culture and represents a joyful way to connect with the vibrant heritage of the Tibetan people. Traditionally, such dances are performed on different occasions and celebrations throughout the year, and these dances have also succeeded in adapting to new styles while preserving their distinct character. The class is open to everyone, regardless of background, age or experience. Beginners welcome! All you need is an interest to learn and experience this unique aspect of Tibetan life.

The teacher

Passang Dolma is a native Tibetan, born and brought up in India. She completed her education at the C.S.T. Darjeeling, and before moving to Europe she worked for several years as a computer graphic trainer in Bangalore. She has also worked as assistant on various Tibetological projects.

Date:         Saturday, 1 July, 2023 (more classes will follow from September onwards).
Time:        16:30 – 18:30
Place:       Centre Culturel Tibétain
Address:  1, rue Charlotte Engels, L-1482 
                  Luxembourg  (entry at the back of the building, through the common garden)
Price:        €15

Please register through the following link:
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions through the following email:

Centre Courses News

Courses Spring 2023

We are pleased to announce that the registration for the upcoming courses starting in April 2023 are open.

All classes will be given at the Centre, so you are very much welcome to join in person. Lama Jigmé encourages you to come to classes at the Centre, but you can follow online if you do not live in Luxembourg.

Spring term 2023

Beginning the path of meditation (beginner class)Lama JigméSundays: 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm
starting 30 April
Principles of ethical conduct: How to lead a life of goodness (cont. but newcomers as welcome)Lama JigméWednesdays: 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm
starting 26 April
Bodhicaryavatara (cont. but only for students who attended the previous term)Lama JigméMondays: 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm
starting 24 April

Please register online here

Event News Uncategorized

Parting from the four Clingings – Teachings with HE Sakya Trizin, Rotterdam, 30 July

In response to frequent requests by Lama Jigmé Namgyal and the students of Phuntsok Choling, we would like to inform you that the supreme head and foremost master of the Sakya lineage known as Dagthri Dorje Chang, Master of Mantra, Lord of Vidyadharas (Awareness holders), Supreme protector and King of the Victorious Ones, acknowledging our request to bestow on us the nectar of teachings, has with compassionate consideration, agreed to confer the oral transmission and give instruction on the mind training practice of the Sakya tradition known as ‘Parting from the four Clingings’ thus establishing a vast Dharma connection.

The teaching will take place in Phuntsok Chö Ling, Rotterdam
on 30th July 2023, 3-6 pm.

You can register directly here:

There will be a limited number of places available. That is why members and students of PCL and CCT get priority when booking a ticket until April 3rd. So be quick!

Address venue: Phuntsok Chö Ling, Oostkousdijk 17B, 3024CL Rotterdam, Netherlands

Centre Culture

CTT Losar Celebration: Sunday 26 Feb 2023, 4 pm

Happy Losar!

May the year 2023, the year of the Water Hare/Rabbit, be full of peace and happiness for all.

Please join us for a Losar celebration at our Centre!

Date:       Sunday, 26 February, 2023
Time:       16:00 – 18:00
Place:       Centre Culturel Tibétain
Address:  1, rue Charlotte Engels, L-1482

We will be celebrating with food and drink as a potluck festivity:  please bring your favorite food and/or beverages to share! 

Friends, family and children are welcome to join us! We look forward to celebrating together as a sangha the fresh beginnings of the new year.

May this new year bring auspicious benefit to everyone!

Artwork: Tomás Castro

Culture Uncategorized

Losar 2023 – Year of the Water Hare/Rabbit

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The Centre Culturel Tibétain wishes you a happy Losar, the Tibetan New Year! 

Lama Jigmé sends the following message:

Tashi delek everyone. I wish you all an auspicious and blessed year of the water hare/rabbit. I am sure you all know what Tibetan New Year means, so I will keep it short. Please, as much as you can have compassion for the people who suffer in and from the war and from the earthquake and more. Please pray there may come an end to all this suffering. Practice love and compassion as much as you can and pray for world peace. I would like to remind you of the words of my master Khenchen Jigmé Phuntsok and please put them into practice: “Don’t disturb the mind of others and do not lose your autonomy.” So don’t be weak and never give up your practice.

I wish you all the best, and many tashi deleks to you all!
Lama Jigmé Namgyal

Artwork: Tomás Castro



Membership 2023

Please renew your membership here

Centre Courses

Courses Winter 2023

We are pleased to announce that the registrations for the upcoming courses starting in January 2023 are open.

All classes will be given at the Centre, so you are very much welcome to join in person. Lama Jigmé encourages you to come to classes at the Centre, but you can follow online if you do not live in Luxembourg.

Winter term 2023

Beginning the path of meditation (beginner class)Lama JigméSundays: 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm
starting 15 January
Principles of ethical conduct: How to lead a life of goodnessLama JigméWednesdays: 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm
starting 11 January
BodhicaryavataraLama JigméMondays: 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm
starting 9 January

Please register online here

Lama News Uncategorized

Link to Phuntsok Namgyal Ling

Phuntsok Namgyal Ling

Meaning “the sacred place of abundance”, Phuntsok Namgyal Ling aspires to be a center dedicated to mindful living. Safeguarding the values of traditional Tibetan living – harmony between land, animal and humanity – and dedicated to the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism, Phuntsok Namgyal Ling will be a place welcoming all individuals looking to make a deeper connection with heaven and earth. Please join us in this vision.

The Phuntsok Namgyal Ling Foundation is currently raising funds to purchase a piece of land in Europe. Ideally, this will be situated in a remote, natural location, with fertile soil to grow crops and keep animals. Whether near the coast or in the mountains, this place will provide a space not only for organic farming, but also a residential meditation retreat centre for monastics and lay practitioners alike.

Read more about our plan for land

Make a donation

Lama Lectures

The Moment of Death: Cause of Fear or Opportunity?

The Centre Culturel Tibétain is happy to announce that Lama Jigme Namgyal will give a public lecture on the subject “The Moment of Death: Cause of Fear or Opportunity?”. The lecture will be translated into English by Dr. Dylan Esler.

Please register here.

The Moment of Death: Cause of Fear or Opportunity?

Whether we like it or not, death concerns each and everyone of us. It is not an if but rather a when and a how. According to the Buddha’s teachings, when we die our body returns to dust, yet our consciousness continues. Consciousness is the basic sense of being ‘me’, which in Buddhism is understood as a continuous process of self-grasping. It is this sense of self that is the cause of experiencing both happiness and suffering – in this life, at death, and afterwards. The implication is that, unlike what is taught in other religions, our fate at death is not dependent on divine intervention, but is rather the result of the actions and thoughts that constitute the habits of our consciousness. 

As human beings, we have a unique opportunity to prepare for the moment of death. It is like entering a battlefield or other challenging situation: if we are well prepared, there is less cause for concern. Preparing for death means understanding the ways our minds are conditioned by habit. It also means that we can learn to change our habits and to decondition our mind. Through the practice of meditation, we can discover the lasting freedom of inner peace. Far from being a cause of fear, death becomes an opportunity, then, to uncover the true nature of mind, which is beyond habitual conditioning.

Language: Tibetan and English (Lama Jigme will be teaching in his mother language Tibetan, with translation into English by Dr. Dylan Esler).

Where:  Centre Jean XXIII
              52 rue Jules Wilhelm
              L-2728 Luxembourg
(if you want to follow online, we will send you a zoom link).

Saturday, 3 December: 15:00-17:00
Doors open at 14.30.

Non-members: 24 €
Sustaining members of CCT: 21 €
Donating members of CCT and PCL:  18 €
Students, unemployed, retired: 12 €
Webinar non-members: 18 €
Webinar members: 12 €

Please pay by bank transfer to the Centre’s account:

IBAN: LU79 1111 2413 8246 0000 / BIC: CCPLLULL,
Centre Culturel Tibétain, Asbl
Reference: Public lecture (and your name)

Please register:

If you have any questions please write to