
Chöd Studyweek – 14 to 21 October – Rotterdam (PCL)

Deep teachings on Dudjom Lingpa’s Chöd

During 8 days Lama Jigmé will be teaching about the practice of Chöd. Chöd is a Tibetan word that literally translates into ‘cutting through’. It is practiced as a skillful means to cut through obstacles like our own disruptive emotions, also referred to as inner enemies. These 8 days will allow you to gain self-experience and in thorough understanding of the teachings.

Lama Jigmé teaches from a very short and unbroken, authentic lineage. These teachings encompass the essence of the Mahayana and Sutrayana teachings and can give the practitioner direct insight and experience of the understanding of both the relative and ultimate truth as explained in the Buddha’s Heart Sutra (Prajnaparamita) which states that Form is emptiness. Emptiness is form. Form is not other than emptiness and emptiness is not other than form.

The study week can be followed by anyone who has sufficient knowledge of the basic principles of Buddhism. Because Chöd is a very profound and powerful practice, it is therefore not suitable for people with mental challenges or people who are emotionally unstable. Please act responsible. When in doubt, please contact us.

Practical information

Location: Phuntsok Chö Ling, Oostkousdijk 17B, 3024 CL Rotterdam, Netherlands
Date: Friday 14 to Friday 21 October 2022
Times: Friday, October 14: 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM; Saturday 15 to Friday 21 October: 09.30 a.m. – 1 p.m.


  • Only the full 8 days*
  • If this is one of your first classes with Lama Jigmé, please indicate your prior knowledge and background in Buddhism when you register.

* If this is really not possible, please state the reason when you register so that this can be discussed with Lama Jigmé well in advance.

Language: English with possible simultaneous translation into Dutch, please contact the organization before applying if you are dependent on the translation.

Lunch: no lunch is included, but coffee, tea and snacks are included.
Prices: discounts are possible, see the options when registering.

In Tibetan Buddhism it is tradition that students make an additional donation to their teachers for special teachings. For example, such donations can be made directly to the Phuntsok Namgyal Ling Foundation. With this you contribute to Lama Jigmé’s project to buy a piece of land where practitioners can do serious retreats and studies.

For questions or comments, please contact:


Event Lama Meditation

Mental Health Week – Meditation instructions and discussion with Lama Jigmé Namgyal

To mark the Mental Health Week of the WHO, Lama Jigmé will hold a special meditation session at the Centre Culturel Tibétain.

Mental peace in challenging times – meditation instructions and discussion

Centre Culturel Tibétain
1, rue Charlotte Engels
Luxembourg, L-1482

Date and Time:
Monday, 10 October 2022 –  17:00 – 18:00


Free event. No registration required. Donation is welcome

Event Uncategorized

Introduction to Phowa, Luxembourg, 1-2 October 2022

Phowa (Tibetan: འཕོ་བ) or the transference of consciousness, is a powerful method which enables you, if you practice it well during your life, to transfer your consciousness to a pure field at the time of death. There are many levels of transference. By becoming familiar with this method during your lifetime, the moment of death is no longer something to fear, but rather becomes a moment of spiritual triumph and liberation. As you might know, Lama Jigmé holds some very special instructions from his Phowa master, Akyong Siddhi Tulku, who was an extraordinarily accomplished master of Phowa. It is Lama Jigmé’s deepest wish to share these teachings with those who wish to receive them, and to benefit beings at the most important and most vulnerable moment of their lives, the moment of dying.

Knowledge of Buddhism or experience with meditation is not necessary, the method is suitable for everyone.

Please register through the following  link:

In January 2023, Lama Jigmé and Phuntsokcholing will organize a 5-day Phowa studyweek in the Netherlands. If you want to participate, you should follow this introduction first, unless you have previously received Phowa instruction from Lama Jigmé.

Practical information
The teachings will not be streamed online
Participation is only possible for the whole weekend, not for single days

Location: Centre Culturel Tibétain, 1, rue Charlotte Engels, Luxembourg

Time: Saturday 13:00 – 18:00 
            Sunday   10:00 – 13:00

Language: English

Price:  Donating members of CCT and members of PCL: 45 €
            Regular members of CCT: 54 €
            Non-members: 60 €
Fees shouldn’t be an obstacle. Please contact us if there is a problem.

Please pay by bank transfer to the Centre’s account:

IBAN: LU79 1111 2413 8246 0000 / BIC: CCPLLULL,
Centre Culturel Tibétain, Asbl
Reference: Introduction to Phowa 2022

In Tibetan Buddhism, students traditionally make a donation to their teachers for special teachings. Such donations can be done directly to the Phuntsok Namgyal Ling Foundation, as it will be a contribution to Lama Jigmé’s project to buy a piece of land where practitioners can do serious retreats and studies.


Monday Course – Bodhicaryavatara

The classic treatise, the Bodhicaryavatara by Shantideva was written 700 A.D. in Sanskrit, nowadays often translated as “A Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life”. It is the most widely read, practiced, and cited text in the whole Tibetan Buddhist tradition. H.H. the Dalai Lama says that this text is the primary source of most of the Tibetan Buddhist literature on the cultivation of altruism and that it teaches the complete Mahayana path to enlightenment.
Shantideva, a Buddhist monk at Nalanda Monastic University in India, where he also composed this text, is one of the most renowned and esteemed figures in the entire history of Mahayana Buddhism.
The Bodhicaryavatara has ten chapters dedicated to the development of bodhicitta (the mind of enlightenment) through the practice of the six perfections (Skt. Pāramitās). 

Please find here the information regarding this course.

Centre Courses

Courses Autumn 2022

We are pleased to announce that the registrations for the upcoming courses starting in September are open.

The centre has reopened for all classes and there are no more restrictions relating to Covid. Lama Jigmé encourages you to come again to classes at the Centre, but you can follow online if you do not live in Luxembourg.

Autumn term 2022

Beginning the path of meditation (beginner class)Lama JigméSundays: 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm
starting 18 September
Principles of ethical conduct: How to lead a life of goodnessLama JigméWednesdays: 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm
starting 14 September
BodhicaryavataraLama JigméMondays: 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm
starting 12 September

Please register online here

Lama News Uncategorized

Phuntsok Chö Ling program

Below you can find the program of the Tibetan Buddhist Center Phuntsok Chö Ling, in case you want to follow Lama Jigmé’s teachings online or at the Temple in the Netherlands.


Below are all upcoming events. Click here for the link to the full calendar.

Friday 28 APR ’23 19:30-21:00

Movie Night – Screening of 2 special Documentaries

Screening of “An Extraordinary Yogi’ (2022) & “Oma” (2023)


FRI 05 MAY 23 | 18:00 – 19:00

Freedom meal (Free)

Celebrating Liberation Dya


18 MAY 19:00 – 21:00

The Path of Meditation

Lecture & Guided meditation with Lama Jigmé Namgyal | Can also be followed online


20 MAY 09:30-13:00

Four Noble Truths #6

Study morning with Lama Jigmé | Can also be followed online


15 JUNE 19:00 – 21:00

The Path of Meditation

Lecture & Guided meditation with Lama Jigmé Namgyal | Can also be followed online


17 JUNE 09:30-13:00

Four Noble Truths #7

Study morning with Lama Jigmé | Can also be followed online


06 JULY 19:00 – 21:00

The Path of Meditation

Lecture & Guided meditation with Lama Jigmé Namgyal | Can also be followed online


08 JULY 09:30-13:00

Four Noble Truths #8

Study morning with Lama Jigme | Can also be followed online



Chöd week – SAVE THE DATE

practice with Lama Jigme Namgyal


30 JUL 14:15-18:00

Parting from the four Clingings

Teaching with HE Sakya Trizin



Saga Dawa – May 31 to June 29

Personal message from Lama Jigmé

Tashi delek!
I wish you all a happy Saga Dawa and I really wish that you all will apply the ten virtuous actions (I hope you remember what they are!) and the ethics that we have been studying for many years in the Wednesday class as much as you can in daily life, and pray for all who are suffering and lost their lives and loved ones during these difficult times. It is a great opportunity to come to the ceremony on August 19-21 2022, because we will be dedicating the merit accumulated during Saga Dawa together, to benefit all sentient beings.

I wish you all the best this month. This means nonviolence, mental peace and to live a life more useful and meaningful.

Tashi delek!
Lama Jigmé Namgyal

Saga Dawa

Saga Dawa, or the fourth month of the Tibetan calendar, starts May 31 and ends on June 29 in 2022. The main days of celebration in 2022 are June 29, the day that the Buddha was born and June 14, when Buddha reached enlightenment and passed away (parinirvana).

Saga Dawa is the most sacred month of the year in Tibetan Buddhism, commemorating the birth, enlightenment and parinirvana (death) of the Buddha and it is believed that all positive and negative actions are multiplied by 100 million as a result.

Therefore Saga Dawa is called the ‘month of merits’ for Tibetan Buddhists. Dawa means ‘month’ and Saga or Saka is the name of a star prominent in the sky during the fourth lunar month of the Tibetan calendar.

Traditionally, the holy day of Saga Dawa is observed through practice, generosity, and the performance of meritorious deeds. So this month is especially dedicated to ‘making merit’. Merit is understood in many ways in Buddhism. We can think of it as the fruits of karma, especially when this brings us closer to enlightenment. The three grounds of meritorious actions are generosity, morality, and meditation, although there are many ways to make merit.

Sojin, the practice of life release, is commonly performed by purchasing animals that are destined to be killed (like worms, crickets or fish), and releasing them into their natural habitat with prayers and positive aspirations. The act of giving this way is believed to extend the practitioner’s lifespan and create positive circumstances.

The lighting of butter lamps is a common devotional practice. The lights are said to banish spiritual darkness as well as visual darkness. Donating lamp oil is another way to make merit, or giving to the poor. Another way to make merit is by not eating meat and not consuming alcohol.


Prayer Gathering for World Peace – 19-21 Aug 2022

Prayer Gathering for World Peace

From 19 to 21 August 2022, Phuntsok Chö Ling will organize a prayer ceremony, or Mönlam, dedicated to world peace. We have recently been facing times of great conflict and volatility. Many people are dying and going through untold suffering due to the war in Ukraine. This war comes right after the Covid pandemic, which is not over yet and which has caused numerous deaths and tremendous upheaval throughout the world. We will dedicate the merit of the prayer ceremony to those who have died, to those who are ill and to those in anguish, so as to alleviate their pain.

The ceremony is held to commemorate the death anniversary of Lama Jigme’s own teacher, Akyong Siddhi Tulku, who was an extraordinary master and yogin of the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism and a holder of the treasures of the lineage of Dudjom Lingpa. Lama Jigme especially received the phowa teachings from him; these are precious instructions regarding the transference of consciousness for the moment of death. During this prayer gathering, we will also honour two other great Nyingma masters who have recently passed away, Dodrupchen Rinpoche and the Dudjom Yangsi Sangye Pema Shepa.

Gathering to pray and to practise together with a single-minded intention is a cause of great spiritual merit, both for those directly present and for those who participate from afar. Everyone is wholeheartedly invited to join. Whatever our individual cultures, religions or beliefs might be, praying for peace is something that can unite us all in a spirit of compassion and kindness.

You can participate by joining us directly for this unique prayer gathering and/or by making a donation for specific persons (e.g. family members, loved ones, friends) who have passed away or who are facing painful circumstances. Even those who have passed away long ago can still benefit from the merit which we dedicate to them and the positive connection which we thereby establish. By sharing in this aspiration for peace, we can sow the seeds of inner and outer peace in our own and others’ minds.

Practical Information

Registration: There will be a limited amount of seats available. Until 6 June PCL and CCT members and friends will have priority in registration
Location: The event can only be attended live in the PCL temple and not online.
Dates and time:
Friday 19/8/2022 12:30 – 18:00,
Saturday 20/8/2022 08:30 – 13:30,
Sunday 21/8/2022 08:30 – 13:30

Register directly here:

Centre Courses

Courses Spring 2022

We are pleased to announce that the registrations for the upcoming courses starting in January are open.

The centre has reopened for classes on Sundays.

Monday and Wednesday courses will be conducted online but with the possibility of being held at the Centre if the participants show interest.

Spring term 2022

Beginning the path of meditation (beginner class)Lama JigméSundays: 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm
starting 1 May
Principles of ethical conduct: How to lead a life of goodnessLama JigméWednesdays: 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm
starting 18 April
The Twelve Links of Interdependent OriginationLama JigméMondays: 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm
starting 20 April

Please register online here
We will send you a zoom link to the course(s) for which you registered upon receipt of your transfer.

Culture Event Uncategorized

DROKPA འབྲོག་པ། – A Tribute to the Last of the Tibetan Nomads – Ciné Utopia 22 April

The Centre Culturel Tibétain is happy to announce that it is organizing a special cinema event on Friday, 22 April 2022, in Ciné Utopia.

Drokpa  is a documentary film directed by Yan Chun Su.
Drokpa premiered at the Margaret Mead Film Festival at the American Museum of Natural History in NYC in October 2016 and it received the EDA Award for Best Female-Directed Feature film at the 2017 DOXA Documentary Film Festival.

Set in the high plateau of eastern Tibet, Drokpa is an intimate portrait of an extended nomadic family whose life is on the cusp of irreversible change.

For more information see here.

Friday 22 April 2022

Venue:  Ciné Utopia – 16, Avenue de la Faïencerie,
L-1510 Luxembourg, Salle 5
Time:    19h15 – 21h00 (doors open at 18h45)
Price:   10 € (cash)
Language:  Tibetan with English subtitles

No registration needed. Tickets can be bought only at the venue itself and we accept only payments in cash.

Part of the profit will go to Golog Support Luxembourg