Courses Meditation Uncategorized

Tibetan meditation – University of Luxembourg

Tibetan meditation -Discovering inner peace

A series of teachings and fundamentals in meditation

For a general understanding about meditation and how the human mind works.

by Lama Jigmé Namgyal

Life is full of challenges and discomfort, or ‘dis-ease’. The current COVID pandemic makes us poignantly aware of it, producing its own set of physical and metal difficulties. Many of us are facing uncertainties on many levels, be they of personal, professional or societal nature.

Meditation, then, can be a powerful tool to keep both mind and body in a state of healthy equilibrium. In particular, the authentic practice of meditation, based on the ancient wisdom traditions of Asia, trains the mind to not to be disturbed by fleeting emotions or feelings. As such, it is far more than a simple feel-good practice.

When the mind abides in its natural state of calm and clear, we can face challenges with less stress and less worries. This in turn allows us to take wiser decisions, and eventually to free us from suffering and its underlying causes. Furthermore, we will be able to connect with the intrinsic qualities of our being, such as good-heartedness and compassion. Rather than being carried away by the turbulent winds of discursive thoughts and disturbing emotions, we come to discover the sky-like presence of our true nature, which reveals itself like the sun emerging behind the clouds.

Lama Jigmé Namgyal will teach about what authentic meditation is and what the benefits are. These sessions are open to all, irrespective of religious background, nationality or experience in meditation.

  • When: Tuesdays | 12:00pm-1:30pm

October 5, 19, 26

November 9, 16, 23, 30

December 7, 14

  • Where: Campus Belval | MSA – Room 4.150


For registration:

Please contact Iulia Bucur :

For further information :

Please contact Cassandra Kosten :


Phuntsok Chö Ling program

Below you can find the program of the Tibetan Buddhist Center Phuntsok Chö Ling, in case you want to follow Lama Jigmé’s teachings online or at the Temple in the Netherlands.


Below are all upcoming events. Click here for the link to the full calendar.

19 to 21 AUG 2022

Prayer Gathering for World Peace

Monlam to commemorate the death anniversary Akyong Siddhi Tulku



Group Meditation – Saturdays 16:00-18:00

The Centre is open on Saturdays from 4 to 6 pm for anyone who would like to participate in group meditation. Lama Jigmé will not be present during these sessions, but he encourages us practice together.

If you would like to participate, please confirm in advance to as we are only allowed to have a maximum number of 9 people present due to the current regulations linked to the COVID-19 situation.
We are looking forward to seeing you!

Courses Meditation

Sunday Meditation Course 18 July

We are pleased to announce that Lama Jigmé will be again teaching from the CCT location on Sunday 18 July from 18h00 to 20h00. 

In order to respect the current restrictions of 2 m distance, we can accommodate maximum 9 people, while wearing a mask is mandatory. The teaching will simultaneously be broadcasted online.

According to the number of registrations, we kindly ask for your understanding as we will grant priority to people who are not attending online classes and to newcomers. In case more than 9 people are registering, a reserve list will be in place that will be granted priority in a following session. Please register even if you already attended last time, because there might be a place for you anyway.

Address: 1, rue Charlotte Engels
                L-1482 Luxembourg

Please register to the following email address before Thursday 15 July at:

We remain at your disposal for any further information.

Courses Meditation

Sunday Meditation Course 4 July

We are pleased to announce that Lama Jigmé will be again teaching from the CCT location on Sunday 4 July from 18h00 to 20h00. 

In order to respect the current restrictions of 2 m distance, we can accommodate maximum 9 people, while wearing a mask is mandatory. The teaching will simultaneously be broadcasted online.

According to the number of registrations, we kindly ask for your understanding as we will grant priority to people who are not attending online classes and to newcomers. In case more than 9 people are registering, a reserve list will be in place that will be granted priority in a following session. Please register even if you already attended last time, because there might be a place for you anyway.

Address: 1, rue Charlotte Engels
                L-1482 Luxembourg

Please register to the following email address as soon as possible at:

We remain at your disposal for any further information.


10 July – Eight verses for training the mind 2/2, by Lama Jigmé, in Rotterdam

10 July 09:45 – 13:00

Eight Verses for Training the Mind 2/2

Lecture with Lama Jigmé Namgyal

This lecture will be held in our Temple in Rotterdam. Please note we only have 20 seats available. The lecture will also be available to join online. Make sure to choose the right ticket when registering.

This last Saturday of the study season 20-21 will be a review of the teachings on the Eight Verses for Training the Mind, which Lama Jigmé Namgyal has been teaching about since September last year. These last session will be interactive, which means that Lama himself will be asking the participants questions and will give them the opportunity to share and ask questions concerning this topic as well.

Eight verses for training the mind
This short text was paid high attention by many great masters throughout history. H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche regarded this text as the principal instruction among all the Dharma teachings he imparted.

The Eight Verses for Training the Mind can bring tremendous benefits to the practice of both Sutrayana teachings and Tantrayana teachings. The first seven verses of the Eight Verses for Training the Mind deal with the practices associated with cultivating the method aspect of the path such as compassion, altruism, aspiration to attain Buddhahood. The last verse deals with the practices that are directed toward cultivating the wisdom aspect of the path. During these eight Saturdays Lama Jigmé Namgyal will give us the opportunity to gain a thorough understanding with practical instructions to apply in our daily life.

Practical information

NOTE: For members of PCL or CCT, this lecture can also be followed online via webinar. If you are not a member, Lama Jigme’s request is to attend the lecture in the temple. If this is not possible, please contact us.

Prices: Discounts are possible, see choices when registering.
Time: Room is open at 9 a.m. Starts at 10.00 am
Location: Oostkousdijk 17b Rotterdam – Delfshaven.
More information:

Measures related to the Coronavirus
It remains very important to adhere to the rules necessary to prevent the spread of Corona. We would like to ask you to bring a face mask to maintain a safe situation upon arrival, during breaks and upon departure. Read more about our house rules.

Register here:

Event Retreat

Chöd Summer study week – 6-15 August – in Rotterdam

The Tibetan Buddhist center Phuntsok Chö Ling is organizing a Chöd Summer study week in Rotterdam. It is also possible to participate online but only for students who have previously practiced Chöd with Lama Jigmé.

Deep teachings on Dudjom Lingpa’s Chöd

Study Week Summer 2021
Friday 6 – Sunday 15 August

After a period in which traveling was prohibited, we are delighted to welcome Lama Jigmé Namgyal back to our centre in Rotterdam.

During ten days Lama Jigmé will be teaching about the practice of Chöd. Chöd is a Tibetan word that literally translates into ‘cutting through’. It is practiced as a skillful means to cut through obstacles like our own disruptive emotions, also referred to as inner enemies. These ten days will allow you to gain self-experience and in thorough understanding of the teachings.

Lama Jigmé teaches from a very short and unbroken, authentic lineage. These teachings encompass the essence of the Mahayana and Sutrayana teachings and can give the practitioner direct insight and experience of the understanding of both the relative and ultimate truth as explained in the Buddha’s Heart Sutra (Prajnaparamita) which states that Form is emptiness. Emptiness is form. Form is not other than emptiness and emptiness is not other than form.

The study week can be followed by anyone who has previously received the teachings on Chöd from Lama Jigmé or by anyone who has sufficient knowledge of the basic principles of Buddhism. When in doubt, please contact us.

Because Chöd is a very profound and powerful practice, it is therefore not suitable for people with mental challenges or people who are emotionally unstable. Please act responsible.

Practical information

Registration is only possible until July 28!

Location: Phuntsok Chö Ling, Oostkousdijk 17B, 3024 CL Rotterdam, Netherlands
Online: Via Zoom, only for students who have previously practiced Chöd with Lama Jigmé.
Date: Friday 6 to Sunday 15 August 2021
Times: Friday, August 6: 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM; Saturday 7 to Sunday 15 August: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.


  • Only the full 10 days
  • Is it not possible to follow the full 10 days and do you still want to participate? Or do you think you are missing a day? Then state the reason when you register so that this can be discussed with Lama Jigmé well in advance.
  • If this is one of your first classes with Lama Jigmé, please indicate your prior knowledge and background in Buddhism when you register.

Language: English with possible simultaneous translation into Dutch, please contact the organization before applying if you are dependent on the translation.

Lunch: no lunch is included, but coffee, tea and snacks are included.
Prices: discounts are possible, see the options when registering.

In Tibetan Buddhism it is tradition that students make an additional donation to their teachers for special teachings. For example, such donations can be made directly to the Phuntsok Namgyal Ling Foundation. With this you contribute to Lama Jigmé’s project to buy a piece of land where practitioners can do serious retreats and studies.

Measures related to the Coronavirus
It remains very important to adhere to the rules necessary to prevent the spread of Corona. We would like to ask you to bring a mouth cap to maintain a safe situation on arrival, during breaks and on departure. Read more about our house rules here.

For questions or comments, please contact:

Please register here:

Courses Meditation

Sunday Meditation Course 27 June CCT

We are pleased to announce that Lama Jigmé will be again teaching from the CCT location on Sunday 27 June from 18h00 to 20h00. 

In order to respect the current restrictions of 2 m distance, we can accommodate maximum 9 people, while wearing a mask is mandatory. The teaching will simultaneously be broadcasted online.

According to the number of registrations, we kindly ask for your understanding as we will grant priority to people who are not attending online classes and to newcomers. In case more than 9 people are registering, a reserve list will be in place that will be granted priority in a following session. Please register even if you already attended last time, because there might be a place for you anyway.

Address: 1, rue Charlotte Engels
                L-1482 Luxembourg

Please register to the following email address before Thursday 24 June:

We remain at your disposal for any further information.


10 June – Eight verses for training the mind 1/2, by Lama Jigmé, in Rotterdam

On Saturday June 12 and July 10 Lama Jigmé will be in Rotterdam for a repeat of the teachings on the Eight Verses for Mind Training, which he has been teaching since September of last year. These two sessions will be interactive, which means that Lama herself will ask questions to the participants and give them the opportunity to share and ask questions on this topic as well.

PLEASE NOTE: There is a maximum of 20 spots available. 

NOTE: For members of PCL or CCT, this lecture can also be followed online via webinar. If you are not a member, Lama Jigme’s request is to attend the lecture in the temple. If this is not possible, please contact PCL.

Eight verses for training the mind

This short text has received much attention from many great masters throughout history. HH Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche regarded this text as the most important instruction among all the Dharma teachings he shared.

The eight verses for training the mind can bring enormous benefits to the practice of both Sutrayana and Tantrayana teachings. The first seven verses of the Eight Verses for Training the Mind deal with the practices associated with cultivating the method aspect of the path, such as compassion, altruism, and the aspiration to attain Buddhahood. The last verse deals with the practices aimed at cultivating the wisdom aspect of the path.

The study morning is open to everyone, members and non-members of Phuntsok Chö Ling, regardless of background or religion.

Practical information

Time: Hall open 09:00. 
            Lecture starts at 10:00 AM.
Language:  English
Online:        When registering, you will receive the link to participate in the
                      Zoom webinar in the confirmation letter

More information: and



Event Lectures

Finding inner peace in difficult times – 19/20 June

The Centre Culturel Tibétain is happy to announce an online weekend teaching by Lama Jigmé Namgyal on Finding Inner Peace in Difficult Times. The teachings will be given online.

Finding inner peace in difficult times

The current pandemic has created a lot of suffering and uncertainty in people’s lives. While some of these issues are clearly beyond our control, learning how to deal with such uncertainty is critical to our own mental health and well-being. Through meditation it is possible to discover inner peace and thus to learn to handle such difficult situations more calmly, rather than reacting with fear and panic.

When our mind becomes more peaceful and serene, this also has positive repercussions on our bodily health. We thus become more attuned to the need to take care of our body, for example by sleeping properly and eating a healthy diet. When we are well rested rather than exhausted due to anxiety and worry, we are less vulnerable. The process of finding inner peace involves regaining control over our own mind, so that we are not swayed by the power of negative emotions. Such negative emotions are like an inner virus in that they destroy our sense of well-being. Cultivating inner peace and gaining greater control over our mind has many practical advantages, since it enables us to face the problems in our daily lives – whether they be linked to our family or work-related – in a more efficient, clear-sighted and balanced manner.

This weekend teaching is open to everyone who would like to discover the benefits of finding inner peace in these challenging times.

Language: Lama Jigme will be teaching in his mother language Tibetan, with translation into English by Dr. Dylan Esler.

Where: Online. You will receive a zoom link.

Saturday, 19 June:  10:00-13:00
Sunday, 20 June: 10:00-13:00

Non-members: 50 €/weekend
Sustaining members of CCT: 45 €/weekend
Donating members of CCT and PCL:  37.5 €/weekend
Students, unemployed, retired: 25 €/weekend

Please register through this link.

Please pay by bank transfer to the Centre’s account:

IBAN: LU79 1111 2413 8246 0000 / BIC: CCPLLULL,
Centre Culturel Tibétain, Asbl
Reference: Finding inner peace (and your name)

In Tibetan Buddhism, students traditionally make a donation to their teachers for special teachings. Such donations can be done directly to the Phuntsok Namgyal Ling Foundation, as it will be a contribution to Lama Jigmé’s project to buy a piece of land where practitioners can do serious retreats and studies.

If you have any questions please write to