
New membership system 2020

Following our General Meeting on 28 Novembre 2019 we have changed the statutes of the CCT.

Please read here the new membership system for 2020, from where you can also download the membership form.

All members from previous years need to fill a new form and pay 50 euros for the annual membership fee until the end of January

Centre Courses Uncategorized

Courses – Winter 2020

Dear friends,

We are pleased to announce that the registrations for the upcoming courses starting in January are open.
Please check the information about the courses here.

This winter term, we will be offering group meditation practice throughout the month of January, as Lama Jigme will be abroad this month. Lama will resume teaching in February. 

We welcome everyone to the center for group practice (including study and meditation sessions on Mondays and Wednesdays) on the days he will not be teaching.

Please read her e about our new membership system for 2020. 

For organizational reasons, please register for the courses  by sending us an e-mail at

We wish you a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

Warm regards,
The CCT Team


Studyweek Netherlands – The Bardos of Life and Death – 21/28 Feb 2020

The Tibetan Buddhist center Phuntsok Chö Ling is organizing a study week from 21 February to 28 February 2010 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

The Bardos of Life and Death
Friday 21 – Friday 28 February 2020

Lama Jigmé Namgyal will explain the Bardos of life and dying during a seven day studyweek. Bardo is a Tibetan word that simply means ‘transition’ or ‘intermediate state’. A gap between the completion of one situation and the onset of another. In the Buddhist approach, life and death are seen as one whole, where death is the beginning of another chapter of life. Death is like a mirror in which the entire meaning of life is reflected. This view is central to the most ancient school of Tibetan Buddhism.

The word bardo is commonly used to denote the intermediate state between death and rebirth. In reality, bardos are occurring continuously throughout both life and death. They are seen as unique moments whereby the possibility of liberation or enlightenment is heightened. During this profound studyweek Lama Jigmé will dive into being more aware and accepting of impermanence. This can help in everyday life to deal with loss and setbacks easier and eventually lead to less (or no) fear during the transition to the bardo of death.

For more details about the study week, including prices for attending the weekend, mid-week or the entire study week and the registration procedure please visit the event page on Phuntsok Chö Ling’s website or contact Phuntsok Chö Ling directly by sending an email to

Practical information

Date: Friday 21 until Friday 28 February 2020
Location:  Phuntsok Chö Ling, Oostkousdijk 17b, 3024 CL Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Time: Friday 21 February: 19.30 to 21.30h
            Saturday 22 to Friday 28 February:  10.00 to 17.00h

Language: English with simultaneous translation into Dutch

Other: Daily vegetarian lunch is included

Register here


Event Lama Retreat

Phowa – Ireland, 6-8 December 2019

We are happy to announce that Lama Jigmé will be returning to Ireland for a weekend of teachings on Phowa, also described as transference of consciousness at the moment of death. On Friday Lama will give a stand alone teaching on The Bardo (an introduction).

Fri. 6th (Bardo): 7:30 pm
Sat. 7th and Sun. 8th: 10 am – 5 pm

Center”, Feakle, Co. Clare, V94W2Y8, Ireland
Course fee:
€120 (concessions available)

For information and reservations contact: (Tel 087 9014351)

If you intend to attend please make a deposit of €50 to the paypal account associated with the email address to Paypal (marking it as a personal payment) by 20th of this month.  


For those needing or wanting overnight accommodation nearby , the Clare Ecolodge (situated in Feakle village, less than 1 mile from Center) is offering us very reasonable rates for single, double & dormitory-style rooms. They will also provide an ample continental breakfast (again for a very good price).  We can really recommend it. (Please contact Vicki for more info, or contact the Ecolodge  at, quoting Rates for Vicki at Center.) 

There are also various AIRBNB possibilities in the vicinity.


Phowa Introduction Weekend – Netherlands – 8/10 Nov 2019

We are happy to announce that the Tibetan Buddhist center Phuntsok Chö Ling is organizing a weekend in which Lama Jigmé Namgyal will give an introduction to the practice of Phowa.

The Practice of Phowa
Introduction weekend with Lama Jigmé Namgyal

Everything that is born will die at a certain moment, that is a universal truth. Whether we live in the west or east, being an atheist, a believer or a Buddhist, poor or rich, possessing great prestige or not – it makes no difference. Usually the death of someone we care about or the confrontation with our own mortality is something that overtakes us. We are left empty-handed because we often do not know how to deal with this existential suffering.

From the teachings of the Buddha we can learn that it is possible to prepare ourselves for this. From his meticulous and thorough research on which his teachings are based, it appears that only the physical body dies and the consciousness always remains present. The training in Phowa, also called ‘the transfer of consciousness’, gives us the opportunity to prepare for our death. Phowa is an extraordinarily strong and fast method in which we practice the ultimate release during our dying and learn to have peace with the daily transience of everything around us.

This day is meant for people who want to know more about this method and the underlying wisdom. Knowledge of Buddhism or experience with meditation is not necessary, the method is suitable for everyone.

For people who wish to further explore this topic, Lama Jigmé will give a Phowa retreat in Luxembourg at the end of this year. If you want to participate, it is advisable to follow this introduction first, unless you have previously received Phowa instruction from Lama Jigmé. The introductory day is also required for the biweekly practice of Phowa in our center in Rotterdam.

If you have any questions or perhaps doubts about whether this weekend suits you well, please contact us at:

Practical information
On Friday evening lama Jigmé will start with an opening teaching. On Saturday he will continue the introduction to the practice of Phowa, followed by a group-practice. On Sunday the focus is group-practice, led by some senior students of lama Jigmé.

Lama Jigmé teaches in English.

Prices for the complete weekend, including lunch on Saturday and Sunday:
Regular: € 87,50
Regular minimum: € 75
Members: € 62,50
Member minimum: € 50

Prices for Friday and Saturday:
Regular: € 52,50
Regular minimum: € 45
Members: € 37,50
Member minimum: € 30

To register for the weekend please click here.



Group meditation – Sunday 27 October and Sunday 3 November, 6pm – 7pm

We are happy to announce that the Centre will be open for group meditation on Sunday 27 October and Sunday 3 November from 6pm to 7pm.

Centre Event Retreat

Luxembourg Phowa Retreat – Winter 2019

The Centre Culturel Tibétain is happy to announce the upcoming Winter retreat in Luxembourg during which Lama Jigmé Namgyal will share teachings on Phowa (Tibetan: འཕོ་བ, literally meaning “transference of consciousness”) over a period of 5 days at the end of December 2019.

For more information see here

Event Uncategorized

Thangka Painting Workshop – 6 October 2019

The Centre Culturel Tibétain is happy to invite you once again to a Thangka painting workshop led by Tharpen Lingtsang, the son of Gega Lama, on 6 October 2019. 

For more information, please visit the page of the event here.

Event Retreat Uncategorized

Autumn city retreat in the Netherlands – The Bardos – 18-25 Oct.

The Tibetan Buddhist center Phuntsok Chö Ling in Rotterdam is organizing its Autumn city retreat* from Friday 18 until Friday 25 October 2019

This city retreat* is about the bardos of living and dying. These seven days, filled with teachings and meditation, take place in our temple in Rotterdam from Friday 18th till Friday 25th of October 2019. It’s also possible to attend only the weekend or midweek.

Bardo is a Tibetan word that simply means ‘transition’ or ‘intermediate state’. A gap between the completion of one situation and the onset of another. The word bardo is commonly used to denote the intermediate state between death and rebirth. In reality, bardos are occurring continuously throughout both life and death. They are seen as unique moments whereby the possibility of liberation or enlightenment is heightened. 

During this profound week Lama Jigmé will teach about impermanence in order to become more aware of and accepting it. This can help in everyday life to deal with loss and setbacks easier and eventually lead to less (or no) fear during the transition to the bardo of death.

The retreat is open for everyone. Therefore we appreciate it if you share our email with other people in your network who might be interested in this subject.

Practical information

Friday 18 until Friday 25 October 2019 


  • Weekend Fri – Sun;
  • Midweek Mon – Fri;
  • Full retreat Fri – Fri

Phuntsok Chö Ling, Oostkousdijk 17b, 3024 CL Rotterdam, The Netherlands


  • Friday 18 October 19.30 to 22.00h;
  • Saturday 19 until Friday 25 October: 09.30 to 17.00h

English with simultaneous translation into Dutch

Daily vegetarian / vegan lunch is included

Please note! We offer an early bird discount when booked before 27th of September 2019! 

Please check PCL website for more information and the different prices: For questions or comments, please contact:

* It’s good to realise that what we call a retreat here in the West, strictly speaking and traditionally, is not a real retreat, since we sleep at home or in a hostel or hotel and follow the teachings during the day. For that reason we call the retreats held in our temple ‘city retreats’.

“Impermanence is my best friend, everything is temporary. Everything is like the weather, good and bad, it comes and goes.”

~ Lama Jigmé Namgyal


Courses – Autumn 2019

Dear friends,

We are pleased to announce that the registrations for the upcoming courses starting in January are open.
Please check the information about the courses here.

For organisational reasons, please confirm your attendance at the courses by sending us an e-mail at