Category: Lectures

Comme de nombreux courants bouddhiques, d’origine aussi bien indienne que chinoise, existaient au Tibet à cette époque, il incombait aux érudits tibétains de classifier ces différentes traditions doctrinales et contemplatives afin de parvenir à une synthèse proprement tibétaine. La classification doxographique doit donc être perçue non pas comme une forme de spéculation abstraite, mais comme un processus de clarification doctrinale qui est en dialogue avec la pratique contemplative. C’est dans cette optique que nous examinerons, lors de ce cours-conférence, une des classifications les plus anciennes et originales de cette époque, celle proposée par Nubchen Sangye Yeshe (10e s.), tout en la comparant à d’autres doxographies du même genre et en abordant la question plus large de l’interaction de l’expérience méditative et du repérage doxographique dans la construction d’une tradition contemplative.
Séance 1 : Éléments de contexte
Les sources : les manuscrits de Dunhuang et autres témoignages – Le roi Trisong Detsen et l’établissement du bouddhisme au Tibet – Fondation du monastère de Samye – Le(s) débat(s) de Samye – L’effondrement de l’empire – La figure de Nubchen Sangye Yeshe
Séance 2 : Portrait croisé de doxographies tibétaines
Profusion des classements doxographiques – Schémas de quatre, neuf et douze véhicules – Points de convergences et de divergences entre ces schémas
Séance 3 : Comparaison du Mahāyāna classique et du Chan tibétain
Les approches graduelle et simultanée – L’enjeu politique d’une différence doctrinale
Séance 4 : Comparaison de la voie tantrique et du Dzogchen
Le Mahāyoga tantrique au Tibet – La consolidation du Dzogchen – Les liens entre affinité contemplative et construction doxographique

We would like to inform you that Lama Jigme will give the series of teachings and fundamentals in meditation at the University of Luxembourg. This event is organised by Espace Culture that seeks to add a cultural dimension to the main tasks of the University of Luxembourg, namely learning and research.
Module I – Equanimity
- When: 25/9, 9/10, 16/10, 6/11, 13/11 2018 | 12:15-1:45pm
- Where: Campus Belval | … | …
Module II – Loving-kindness
- When: 20/11, 27/11, 4/12, 11/12, 18/12 2018 | 12:15-1:45pm
- Where: Campus Belval | … | …
Module III – Compassion
- When: 5/2, 12/2, 5/3, 12/3, 19/3 2019| 12:15-1:45pm
- Where: Campus Belval | … | …
Every session contains a theoretical and practical part (guided meditation) and time for Q&A.
This course is open to all. Beginners and advanced participants are equally welcome.
You can find more details about this event here: https://wwwen.uni.lu/students/culture_sports/espace_cultures2/tibetan_meditation_discovering_inner_peace

Dear friends,
We are pleased to announce that Lopon P. Ogyan Tanzin Rinpoche will be giving a lecture at our Centre on Tuesday 12th June, on Padmasambhava and the role of the ngakpa tradition in Tibetan Buddhism.
For more information, please visit the page of the event here.
We look forward to welcoming you at this special public event.
With best wishes,
The CCT team

Dear friends,
On April 26 you are invited in the Centre Culturel Tibétain. Henco van der Weijden will introduce the Jigmé Leadership Circle ®, explain the key issues of Compassionate Leadership, and illustrate it with practical examples.
For more information about this event, please visit the event page here.

Dear friends of the Centre Culturel Tibétain,
We are happy to announce that once again, Ani Yuan Xun and Ani Yuan Wang, two Buddhist nuns from Larung Five Sciences Buddhist Academy, one of the most influential institute for Buddhist studies in the world, will travel to Luxembourg during their European tour and will grant a visit to our Centre on 8 and 9 January.
We invite you to attend the two teachings in which you will have the special occasion to listen two female teachers of Tibetan Buddhism on the following subjects:
1. Monday, 8 January, 20:00 – 22:00 – How to Purify Your Negativities: The Practice of Vajrasattva
2. Tuesday, 9 January, 20:00 – 22:00 – A Brief Introduction on Powerful Blessing from Padmasambhava
We look forward to welcoming you at these teachings.

Dear friends,
We are pleased to announce that Zhiltrul Choni Rangshar Rinpoche (“Tang Rinpoche”) will be teaching at our Centre on Wednesday 15th November.
For more information, please visit the page of the event here.
We look forward to welcoming you at this special public event.
With best wishes,
The CCT team

Dear friends,
The Centre Culturel Tibétain is pleased to invite you to a public lecture which will offer a unique occasion to gain a deeper understanding of what is meant by non-duality in Buddhism. The talk will be delivered by our guest speaker Dylan Esler, a scholar and translator of Tibetan Buddhist texts.
For reservation and full details, see event page here.
We look forward to welcoming you at this lecture.

We are happy to announce that Ani Yuan Xun and Ani Yuan Wang, two buddhist nuns from one of the most established Buddhist academies in the world will travel to Luxembourg during their European tour and grant a visit to our Centre Culturel Tibétain on 13 and 14 February.
We invite you to attend two talks in which you will have the special occasion to listen two female teachers of Tibetan Buddhism on the following subjects:
How to Practice Buddhism in Daily Life
(Monday,13 February, 19:30 – 22:00)
Fearlessness: Tips on Turning Fear into Power
(Tuesday, 14 February, 20:00 – 22:00)
We look forward to welcoming you at these teachings.
With best wishes,
The CCT team
Lecture series by Ven. Lopoen Dekho

We are pleased to invite you to two special lectures which offer a unique occasion to gain a deeper understanding of the history and nature of the Buddhist tradition in Tibet.
The lectures will be delivered by our special guest speaker, Ven. Lopoen Dekho, a learned Nyingma Buddhist lama from Golog (East Tibet), currently resident in Switzerland, and will be held on Sunday 3 April and Monday 4 April – for details, please follow the links below.
Sunday, 3 April: How Buddhism came to Tibet
Monday, 4 April: Going for Refuge: What does it mean to be a Buddhist?
We look forward to welcoming you at this lecture series.