Donate now !

Warm greetings from the Centre Culturel Tibétain of Luxembourg!

Our haven of tranquility thrives on the generosity of those who value the transformative power of Buddhism. By donating, you contribute more than just finances – you manifest kindness and compassion, enriching many lives.

Donations support our center’s operations, allowing us to maintain our space and share the wisdom of the Dharma. Your generosity not only nurtures our center, but it also extends far beyond, touching lives and fostering compassion, wisdom, and peace.

Every donation, big or small, makes a difference and reflects the importance of giving in Buddhism. We invite you to donate today and join us in our efforts to bring about positive change. May your generosity bring boundless merit and joy!

With gratitude,

Your Centre Culturel Tibétain

Make your Donation via PayPal:

Or donate via bank transfer:

Centre Culturel Tibétain ASBL

POST Luxembourg • IBAN: LU79 1111 2413 8246 0000 • BIC: CCPLLULL

Communication: Donation CCT / your name