Event Category: Classes

  by Jigme Phuntsok  with Lama Jigmé  On Monday evening, Lama Jigmé Namgyal will teach  from the book “Always Remembering: Heartfelt Advice for Your Entire Life” by the highly esteemed Tibetan Buddhist master, His Eminence Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok. The Wisdom of Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok was a distinguished teacher within the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. He was recognized as a tertön and was famous for his mastery in Dzokchen and his visionary endeavors, including the establishment of the […]

KUM NYE was introduced to the Western world in the early 1970s by Lama Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche. It is based on 3 roots: 1) Traditional Tibetan Medicine 2) Tibetan Yoga system of Nying-thig tsa-lung (Yoga of subtle energies) 3) Buddhist scriptures of the Vinaya (guidance on leading a harmonious life internally and externally) By engaging in Kum Nye’s sitting postures, movement exercises, breathing techniques, self-massages, and mantra recitations, the mind relaxes, the senses open, and the heart awakens. Tensions dissolve, allowing […]

 by Patrul Rinpoche with Lama Jigmé (with translation by Dr. Dylan Esler every 2 weeks) On Wednesday evening, Lama Jigmé Namgyal will teach from the second part of the book “The Words of My Perfect Teacher” by the highly esteemed Tibetan Buddhist master, Patrul Rinpoche. The Wisdom of Patrul Rinpoche Patrul Rinpoche was a prominent figure in the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. His profound teachings have guided countless practitioners on the path to enlightenment. “The Words of My Perfect Teacher” is a classic […]

by Patrul Rinpoche with Lama Jigmé On Thursday evening, Lama Jigme will teach from the first part of “The Words of My Perfect Teacher” by the highly esteemed Tibetan Buddhist master, Patrul Rinpoche. The Wisdom of Patrul Rinpoche Patrul Rinpoche was a leading teacher within the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, known for his profound clarity and great compassion. His seminal work, “The Words of My Perfect Teacher,” serves as a comprehensive guide to the preparatory practices (Ngöndro) of the Longchen Nyingthig tradition. […]

with Carolina Embracing regular group practice For beginners, participating in group meditation can be especially beneficial compared to practicing alone. Being part of a group provides a supportive environment to practice meditation. This course is led by facilitators who will guide participants in posture and other basic techniques. This course allows beginners to practice together. It covers basic meditation techniques and includes brief group meditation sessions. Dates: Sundays from 5.00 pm to 5.45 pm on the following dates: September: 15, 22 October: […]

  by Jigme Phuntsok  with Lama Jigmé  On Monday evening, Lama Jigmé Namgyal will teach  from the book “Always Remembering: Heartfelt Advice for Your Entire Life” by the highly esteemed Tibetan Buddhist master, His Eminence Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok. The Wisdom of Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok was a distinguished teacher within the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. He was recognized as a tertön and was famous for his mastery in Dzokchen and his visionary endeavors, including the establishment of the […]

KUM NYE was introduced to the Western world in the early 1970s by Lama Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche. It is based on 3 roots: 1) Traditional Tibetan Medicine 2) Tibetan Yoga system of Nying-thig tsa-lung (Yoga of subtle energies) 3) Buddhist scriptures of the Vinaya (guidance on leading a harmonious life internally and externally) By engaging in Kum Nye’s sitting postures, movement exercises, breathing techniques, self-massages, and mantra recitations, the mind relaxes, the senses open, and the heart awakens. Tensions dissolve, allowing […]

 by Patrul Rinpoche with Lama Jigmé (with translation by Dr. Dylan Esler every 2 weeks) On Wednesday evening, Lama Jigmé Namgyal will teach from the second part of the book “The Words of My Perfect Teacher” by the highly esteemed Tibetan Buddhist master, Patrul Rinpoche. The Wisdom of Patrul Rinpoche Patrul Rinpoche was a prominent figure in the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. His profound teachings have guided countless practitioners on the path to enlightenment. “The Words of My Perfect Teacher” is a classic […]

by Patrul Rinpoche with Lama Jigmé On Thursday evening, Lama Jigme will teach from the first part of “The Words of My Perfect Teacher” by the highly esteemed Tibetan Buddhist master, Patrul Rinpoche. The Wisdom of Patrul Rinpoche Patrul Rinpoche was a leading teacher within the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, known for his profound clarity and great compassion. His seminal work, “The Words of My Perfect Teacher,” serves as a comprehensive guide to the preparatory practices (Ngöndro) of the Longchen Nyingthig tradition. […]

with Carolina Embracing regular group practice For beginners, participating in group meditation can be especially beneficial compared to practicing alone. Being part of a group provides a supportive environment to practice meditation. This course is led by facilitators who will guide participants in posture and other basic techniques. This course allows beginners to practice together. It covers basic meditation techniques and includes brief group meditation sessions. Dates: Sundays from 5.00 pm to 5.45 pm on the following dates: September: 15, 22 October: […]