Public Lecture: Buddhism, a Science of the Mind – 20 November

Public Lecture: Buddhism, a Science of the Mind – 20 November

Buddhism, a Science of the Mind

Buddhism is often portrayed as a religion. While it does indeed share common features associated with the world religions, it would be a mistake to reduce it to that. Buddhism differs from other religions in that it does not place its hopes in external gods, preferring instead to focus on the mind as the source of both suffering and happiness. Above all else, Buddhism is a science of the mind, and many of its procedures involve examining the mind according to logical criteria. Whereas, generally speaking, science is concerned with the external world, Buddhism is thus a science focused on an invisible and inner ‘object’. Where it differs from science, at least according to the habitual understanding of the term, is that it focuses on the mind not as an external object localized in the brain to be analysed with machines (as in the way neuroscientists frequently approach it), but as an inner, lived reality. This implies that understanding the mind cannot be based on a third-person approach: we need to look at and examine our own mind, and nobody can do this for us. This approach thus involves personal experience and is based on taking responsibility for our own mental well-being. The practices of mind training and of meditation help us to control our mind and to familiarize ourselves with it, allowing us thereby to recognize its deeper nature.

Language: English (Lama Jigme will be teaching in his mother language Tibetan, with translation into English by Dr. Dylan Esler).

Where:  Centre Jean XXIII
              52 rue Jules Wilhelm
              L-2728 Luxembourg
(if you want to follow online, we will send you a zoom link).

Saturday, 20 November: 14:00-17:30 (there will be a tea-break)
Doors open at 13.30. Please allow for time to do the CovidCheck)

Non-members: 24 €
Sustaining members of CCT: 21 €
Donating members of CCT and PCL:  18 €
Students, unemployed, retired: 12 €
Webinar non-members: 18 €
Webinar members (CCT and PCL): 12 €

Please pay by bank transfer to the Centre’s account:

IBAN: LU79 1111 2413 8246 0000 / BIC: CCPLLULL,
Centre Culturel Tibétain, Asbl
Reference: Public lecture (and your name)

Please register through this LINK.

Contact for any questions

With a view to ensure a safe environment, while still allowing a good number of participants, we opted to have the CovidCheck system in place. People will be asked to provide a CovidCheck certificate (EU Digital COVID Certificate – EU DCC) certifying that the registered user:

  • has been vaccinated against COVID-19
  • received a negative COVID-19 test result
  • recovered from COVID-19

Please notice that as from November 1, the rapid antigen tests made in situ are no longer valid under the CovidCheck system.