Applying for Membership 2024

Online Membership application for the financial year 2024

To: Centre Culturel Tibétain – The Board of directors

The undersigned hereby requests to become a member of the Centre Culturel Tibétain, a non-profit organisation under the form of an “association sans but lucratif”, registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under the number F 502 and with registered office at 1, rue Charlotte Engels, L – 1482 Luxembourg (the “Association”).

(1) Membership fee

The membership fee for the financial year 2024 is set at fifty-five euro (EUR 55).

Advantages of membership:

Members of the Association benefit, inter alia, of a 10% discount on the courses and the events organized by the Association (e.g. public talks, dinner-talks, lectures, retreats, etc.); and • any other advantages as resolved by the board of directors.

“All the members shall be regularly informed of the activities of the Association and are entitled to all its services within the framework of its statutory purpose.” (Art. 15, §3 of the articles of association)

Please transfer your membership fee by 31st of january 2024 to the following account number: • Account holder: Centre Culturel Tibétain ASBL • Name of bank: POST Luxembourg • IBAN: LU79 1111 2413 8246 0000 • BIC: CCPLLULL • Communication: “Membership fee 2024” or simply pay via PayPal.

(2) Sustaining member

By completing this application, you hereby request to become a sustaining member (“membre adhérent”) of the Association (if you wish to apply as active member (“membre actif”), please contact tick the appropriate box bellow).

“The Association shall be composed of active members (“membres effectifs”) and, where applicable, sustaining members (“membres adhérents”) and honorary members (“membres d’honneur”). The active members shall be persons particularly interested in the culture and well-being of the Tibetan population and who are willing to share their skills in order to achieve the object and the projects of the Association. On the one hand, only the active members shall be qualified as partners of the Association who shall, as such, have all the rights and obligations granted to the partners by virtue of the Law, including the voting rights. On another one, sustaining and honorary members are convened to general meetings, but they do not have the right to vote at general meetings. Honorary members, whose title is purely honorary, are persons who have rendered services to the Association.” (Art. 12, §1 to 3 of the articles of association)


Finally, by completing this membership form, you hereby accept the articles of association, the resolutions adopted by the board and the general meeting and, when applicable, the internal rules of procedure.

“Being a member of the Association carries implicit acceptance of the Articles, the resolutions adopted by the board of directors and the general meeting of the Association and, if applicable, the internal rules of procedure.” (Art. 14, §3 of the articles of association)

(3) Donator status (optional)

You may also opt for the donator status and, as a result thereof, you will indirectly benefit of further advantages:

Donator status: EUR 55 as membership fee, increased by: • EUR 40 in monthly instalment, or • EUR 480 in one payment. (i.e. EUR 535 in total for each financial year)

Advantages of the donator status:

Free entrance to the Meditation courses and Buddhist studies; • discount of 25% on the other courses and events (e.g. public talks, dinner-talks, lectures, retreats, etc.); All the members of Phuntsok Chö Ling Netherlands (PCL) shall, in such capacity, benefit of the donating status.

(4) Online application