Chöd study weekend – 3-5 February Luxembourg

Chöd study weekend – 3-5 February Luxembourg

Deep teachings on Dudjom Lingpa’s Chöd Lama Jigmé will be teaching on the practice of Chöd. Chöd is a Tibetan word that literally translates into ‘cutting through’. It is practiced as a skillful means to cut through obstacles like our own disruptive emotions, also referred to as inner enemies. Lama Jigmé teaches from a very short and unbroken, authentic lineage. These teachings encompass the essence of the Mahayana and Sutrayana teachings and can give the practitioner direct insight and experience […]

Public Lecture: Buddhism, a Science of the Mind – 20 November

Public Lecture: Buddhism, a Science of the Mind – 20 November

Buddhism, a Science of the Mind Buddhism is often portrayed as a religion. While it does indeed share common features associated with the world religions, it would be a mistake to reduce it to that. Buddhism differs from other religions in that it does not place its hopes in external gods, preferring instead to focus on the mind as the source of both suffering and happiness. Above all else, Buddhism is a science of the mind, and many of its […]