Bodhicaryavatara (cont.)
(only for students who attended the previous term)
by Lama Jigmé Namgyal
The classic treatise, the Bodhicaryavatara, by Shantideva was written in 700 A.D. in Sanskrit, nowadays often translated as “A Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life”. It is the most widely read, practiced, and cited text in the whole Tibetan Buddhist tradition. H.H. the Dalai Lama says that this text is the primary source of most of the Tibetan Buddhist literature on the cultivation of altruism and that it teaches the complete Mahayana path to enlightenment.
Shantideva, a Buddhist monk at Nalanda Monastic University in India, where he also composed this text, is one of the most renowned and esteemed figures in the entire history of Mahayana Buddhism.
The Bodhicaryavatara has ten chapters dedicated to the development of bodhicitta (the mind of enlightenment) through the practice of the six perfections (Skt. Pāramitās).
Lama Jigmé Namgyal will continue to give his commentary on this text in the Monday class.
We continue using the translation of the root text by B. Alan Wallace (A Guide To The Bodhisattva Way Of Life, by Shantideva. Translated by Vesna A. Wallace and B. Alan Wallace).
Dates: Mondays from 7.30 pm to 9 pm
April: 15*, 22, 29
May: 6, 13, 20, 27
June: 3, 10, 17*, 24
July: 1, 8
* Lama will be present at the Centre
Location: Online except when Lama is in Luxembourg).
Language: English
Price: €180 (€162 for sustaining members, €90 for students/unemployed/retired, free participation for donating members).
Please pay by Paypal or by bank transfer to the Centre’s account:
IBAN: LU79 1111 2413 8246 0000 / BIC: CCPLLULL,
Centre Culturel Tibétain, Asbl
Monday Spring (your name)
Please register for the course by using the following link: https://tibetculture.lu/v3/course-registration-spring-2024/